The Basque Country Architecture Biennial includes in its program of activities one talk called “Zorrozaurre, from the river bank to the island”, which is celebrated on November 4 in Bilbao organized by Eraikune


The Basque Country Architecture Biennial includes in its program of activities one talk called “Zorrozaurre, from the river bank to the island”, which is celebrated on November 4 in Bilbao organized by Eraikune


On October 10th, Donostia hosted the second edition of the Euskadi Architecture Biennial, Mugak. Since then, and until December 12th, the biennial is hosting a hundred of activities, for free access, among conferences, talks, workshops, projections and exhibitions (to be held in different locations in Euskadi), with the purpose of bringing architecture closer to citizenship.

In this program of events and activities, led by the Department of Environment, Territorial Planning and Housing of the Basque Government, take part around 25 different entities and associations.

It includes an activity (9 a.m. – 6 p.m.) about the urban regeneration of Zorrozaurre entitled “Zorrozaurre, from the river bank to the island”, organized by the Basque Construction Cluster, Eraikune, and which will take place on the 4th of November at the facilities of Itsasmuseum (former “Ría de Bilbao” Maritime Museum).

The objective of this event is to present the Zorrozaurre project, with its unique and innovative initiatives, and develop a workshop with topics such as flooding, urban mobility, reuse, etc., in the context of Smart Cities and circular economy.

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